Yimmies' Top 5 Favorite Drinks
What would you rather choose, a classic cup of coffee, or a stick that tastes like a banana? Of course in this scenario a classic cup of coffee is, a cup of coffee and the stick that tastes like a banana is a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, which actually contains no pumpkin, doesn't make sense, right?...
*Mic Drop*
Here at Yimmies, we love to promote clean and authentic coffee. Gone are the days of non-filtered syrups, false advertising and 1,020 calories of Jamocha Pop Pepperment Mocha Whipped Frappumamajama lattes. We love the classics. Of course, nothing is wrong with a sugar craving here and there, by all means, knock yourself out.
You probably are asking by now, "So, beautiful, masculine and smart Yimmies editorial person, what do you prefer to drink?" And we knew you'd totally ask that! So we went ahead and ranked our top 5 favorite caffeinated beverages, with all the whipped cream and sprinkles included.
1. Latte
The latte, very classic, very traditional. The classy drink that never goes out of style, is a blend of perfectly pulled espresso, and the smoothest milk you can find. Always number 1 on our list. Of course, we also recommend ceramic.
Source: baristaexchange.com/photo/latte-art-837?context=latest
2. French Praline Latte
Hazelnut, Vanilla, Brown sugar and Pecans, how delicious does that sound? Combined with some espresso which compliments well with hazelnut and pecan, they pair perfectly. Definitely a Yimmies special, we plan on selling in our coffee house. Not too sweet, not too bitter, perfect for the sweet tooth.
Source: cafepalazzo.com.au/product/200g-flavoured-coffees/french-vanilla-coffee-6x200g-pack
3. Cafe Au Lait
French, which literally translates to, "Coffee with Milk". Now, this isn't your typical coffee with half and half, definitely not. Cafe Au Lait is a beverage with half of it being rich skim or whole milk and the other half being coffee. This hot or cold drink leaves huge room for creativity, as you can make, for example, Horchata Cafe Au Lait, replacing the milk with Horchata which sounds delicious now that you think about it. Actually... we think we'll go make one now, be right back.
Source: pinterest.com/pin/193725221444461298
4. Caramel Cafe Americano
Translates from Italian to, "Coffee with Water". Americano is a delicacy, not for the light hearted. This caffeine packed beverage simply provides a +1 shot of espresso than the usual size, with a combination of hot water. Over the years of our coffee crafting experience, we have constantly indulged ourselves for this drink, but who knew caramel would work wonderfully with this beverage. Doubling as a creamer and a sweetener, a Caramel Cafe Americano is the perfect beverage for a hot day, or the cold winters as it can be done both iced and hot. We prefer the Caramel Cafe Americano iced.
Source: fiveelementscafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Americano
5. Cappuccino
Ahh, the classic and original Cappuccino. The sister of the Latte, the beautiful and voluptuous foam complements the espresso with the up-most delight. This benchmark barista training beverage has coffee written all over it, and is the classic treat of hand crafted beverages. This drink leaves huge room for creativity often calling for art with syrup, foam stamps and 3D Art. Cappuccino's are definitely on our top 5 list for the luxury it provides in taste, thickness of milk, foam and espresso that just works oh so well with each other, and complements greatly with any flavored syrup. Enjoy.
Source: pinterest.com/pin/101260691594557338/
That's about it, for now. Of course, we love all beverages, but these are on our top 5 beverages that we love the most! If you think there is a beverage that should of made it on the list, tell us why! Oh, and we have some honorable mentions below!
Honorable Mentions:
- Espresso
- Toffee Nut Latte
- Caramel Cold Brew
- Sarah White (Yimmies Exclusive)
- Cold Toe